How do we help around
Entertainment Venues
Protecting against Bacteria, Viruses, Pests & Mould in your entertainment venues!
increase hygience - lower cost and sick leave
Stop being reactive to problems
Protecting against Bacteria, Viruses, Pests & Mould in your entertainment venues!
Keeping social area’s hygienic and protected throughout the day & night, from bacteria, harmful germs, moulds, and annoying mozzies & spiders.
Existing products require multiple applications per day to ensure all surfaces are hygienic, which can’t be achieved!
Traditional cleaning & disinfecting uses harsh chemicals that are toxic, corrosive and carcinogenic. These products can do more harm than good and leaving the surfaces unprotected between cleans!
Is there an easy solution available?
Together, we can easily increase the hygiene and protection level to 24/7, 10x from what your currently getting in a cost effective way.
We’re building a new level of post pandemic business trust … and we want you share it with you!
Change from using 8 different products to ONE. No more confusion, no mixing chemicals, minimise risk.