Microguard Biotech

How do we help around

Retail, Hospitality, Restaurants & Shopping Centres

Protecting against Bacteria, Viruses, Pests & Mould in your caravan, campsite or other outdoor space!

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Raising the Standard!

How do we protect you from bacteria, viruses & more?


keeping commercial and retails spaces hygienic and constantly protected for staff and retail clients, free from harmful bacterias, mould, and germs?


Existing cleaning and sanitisation products stop working once dry. So require multiple re-applications per day to keep areas hygienic (no grems and smells)

How do you be proactive in your maintenance?


Traditional cleaning & disinfecting products use harsh chemicals that are toxic, corrosive and carcinogenic. Doing as much harm as good!

Not proactive!

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The Solution

Intelligent, preventive biotech products that actively protect surfaces 24/7

Using the latest bio protection technology – tailored to increase the protection that you deliver to your customers, and staff by 10X – raising the standard!

Building a new level of post pandemic business trust …

Together, we can increase the hygiene and protection levels across your offices and resorts by, Simply changing the cleaning

products used, minimal procedure change, cost-effective, eco friendly and safe.

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Focused on making your Venues Cleaner & Safer?

Microguard is the solution that will help you raise your standards to the next level

  • Improve your occupational health & safety statement.
  • Delivering your duty of care.
  • Product training supplied.
  • Promotional material supplied at no charge.


Change from using 8 different products to ONE. No more confusion, no mixing chemicals, minimise risk.


Get Bulk Pricing

  • Sign a supply agreement to qualify as a user or reseller.
  • All pricing is strictly confidential.
  • Minimum order quantities apply.
  • Items must be sold at RRP or Industry Pricing.
  • Supply and payment terms will form a part of your agreement.
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Joining The Movement

Microguard is leading australian businesses back to using sustainable eco-friendly, active, long-lasting products